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Mike's Bikes Africa T-Shirt Womens - Yellow - Small
-79 %

Mike's BikesAfrica T-Shirt Womens - Yellow - Small

4,65 €
22,31 €
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The most efficient mode of transport in the world, the bicycle is the most ecologically and fiscally sustainable vehicle ever created. It provides freedom, mobility and positive change in the lives of people who need it most. At Mike's Bikes, we believe in the power of the bicycle. Based of this belief, we have undertaken projects that are helping to put bicycles directly into the hands of people in developing Africa. We've shipped over 10,000 bikes to Africa so far, and the changes these bikes make in their communities and in the lives of the owners is profound. <strong>100% of the proceeds from the sale of this t-shirt go to Mike's Bikes projects in Africa.</strong> <strong>Mikes Bikes Africa</strong>