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Kenda Alfabite Style K831 Tire - 24 x 1.95
-25 %

KendaAlfabite Style K831 Tire - 24 x 1.95

17,43 €
23,24 €
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Diese Features werden dich begeistern

The Kenda Alfabite is a great all-around budget mountain/BMX tire, available in a steel bead. <ul> <li>Kenda endorses the use of fluid based sealants only in specifically designated Kenda sealant compatible tires</li> </ul> <ul> <li> <strong>Color:</strong><span> </span>Black</li> <li> <strong>ISO Diameter:</strong><span> </span>507 / 24" </li> <li> <strong>ISO Width (mm):</strong><span> </span>50 mm</li> <li> <strong>Labeled Size:</strong><span> </span>24 x 1.95</li> <li> <strong>Tire Bead:</strong><span> </span>Wire</li> <li> <strong>Tire Diameter:</strong><span> </span>24"</li> <li> <strong>Tire Type:</strong><span> </span>Clincher</li> <li> <strong>Weight (oz):</strong><span> </span>28</li> <li> <strong>TPI:</strong><span> </span>22</li> <li> <strong>PSI:</strong><span> </span>65</li> </ul>