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Diese Features werden dich begeistern
<span>Nothing beats the all-around protection of a winter cycling cap. Not only does this piece keep your head and ears warm, but the bill forms a seal over your glasses to shield your eyes from wind and rain. This cold-weather essential is built with thermal fabric that balances insulation with breathability. It fits comfortably under a helmet and a port in the rear allows ponytails to pass through.</span> <strong>FEATURES</strong>: <ul> <li>Pedal to Zero™: Going by bike 4mi / 6km offsets the climate impact of this garment</li> <li>Made with recycled materials</li> <li>Fits easily under a helmet</li> <li>Protects ears from cold</li> <li>Shields eyes from wind and rain</li> <li>Rear port for ponytails</li> </ul>