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Highway Two Bordo 6000 XPlus Lock

Highway TwoBordo 6000 XPlus Lock

120,89 €
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<span>The BORDO™ 6000 Folding Lock features six 5mm steel bars connected with special rivets, which fold together like a yardstick. This is familiar territory for ABUS – the locks in the ABUS BORDO™ family have gained a reputation as true classics whose functionality has nevertheless yet to be surpassed. The ultra-sturdiness of the bars and body (manufactured from specially hardened steel) is matched by the flexibility of the BORDO™ 6000's folding system.<br></span> <strong>FEATURES:</strong> <ul> <li>5 mm bars with extra-soft two-component casing to prevent damage to paintwork</li> <li>The bars and body are made of specially hardened steel</li> <li>Bars are linked with special drill resistant rivets</li> <li>ABUS Plus cylinder for a high level of protection against tampering, e.g. picking</li> <li>Includes l<span>ock carrier for easy transport on the bike, which can be mounted without tools thanks to practical fixing straps. The lock is removed frontally from the carrier.</span> </li> </ul> <strong>SPECS:</strong> <ul> <li> <strong>Locking Type: </strong>XPlus Key</li> <li> <strong>Weight: </strong>1200g</li> <li> <strong>Opened Length:</strong> 3'</li> </ul>