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Halo Proactive Sports Waterless Hair & Body Wash - Feuchtigkeitscreme & Hautpflege
-60 %

Halo ProactiveSports Waterless Hair & Body Wash - Feuchtigkeitscreme & Hautpflege

Versand 3,98 €

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2,00 €
4,99 €
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Diese Features werden dich begeistern

The active agents within the unique sports formulation actively remove sweat odours from your body. The sports formulation is designed to lift and remove grease and grime from your skin pores leaving you clean and refreshed. Once applied to the body after a training session it immediately starts to cool the body down. The effect of this is your body very quickly stops sweating and cools down in a controlled manner. By rubbing the liquid vigorously into the skin this lifts all the grease and grime from the skin. You then simply wipe all this off with a dry clean towel leaving you sweat and odour free Ideal for cleaning and refreshing under arms, bums and crotch areas. Can also be used to freshen up your hair as it removes grease and grime.