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Aquaman swim and function unisex neoprene wetsuit
-41 %

Aquamanswim and function unisex neoprene wetsuit

Versand kostenlos

Preise inkl. MwSt, zzgl. Versandkosten wie angegeben

176,99 €
299,89 €
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Diese Features werden dich begeistern

we insist that our wetsuits are truly wetsuits that are perfectly suited for use in cold water many swim and run practitioners end up feeling cold when coming in and out of the water several times their neoprene suit not at all suitable for swimming in cold water details 2 closures ventral and dorsal with metal slider4 pockets 1 outer pocket for the whistle 2 internal pockets right left at the bust 1 outside pocket dorsal opening velcro adjustment collar in front and behind crotch jersey reinforcement for use of the pull boy and running part to prevent premature wear external thermo strip to reinforce the friction with the shoulders when using a backpack the 4 pockets are fitted with internal neoprene lining to bring comfort and ergonomics as well as the dorsal pocket to minimize the water inlets and guarantee maximum isothermy a safety whistle is positioned in the upper outer pocket easy access and connected to an order floatability the thighs are 10 mm thick in front to provide maximum buoyancy to the swimmer and excellent comfort thanks to the lightness and flexibility of yamamoto 39 scs for the running part neoprene yamamoto 39 s c s in front of thighs 10 mm bust 4 5 mmfess crotch 3 mm shoulders biceps neck 2 mm safety 100 bonded stitched to provide maximum isothermal no risk of hypothermia no external point of attachment to avoid any danger at the risk of remaining hooked