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Andare Jersey 2.0 - Yellow - Small
-17 %

AndareJersey 2.0 - Yellow - Small

46,49 €
55,79 €
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Diese Features werden dich begeistern

Designed with a less aggressive and casual cut, the Andare Jersey 2.0 meets the comfort needs of every range of cyclists without compromising quality. This classic jersey features fabric and garment details fitted to make every movement comfortable and will have you riding like a pro. Andare comes to the United States hailing from afar with European fabrics and Californian design, which indicated its individuality among apparel manufacturers in the industry as well as its durability on the road. Step your game up with simplicity. <strong>FEATURES:</strong> <ul> <li>Relaxed rider cut</li> <li>100% breathable/moisture-wicking polyester; bird eye front/back panel fabric; mesh upper back, underarm and side panels</li> <li>Double Lycra sleeve band</li> <li>SG-10 stretchy elastic waist gripper</li> <li>3 standard back pockets; one water resistant zippered central back pocket stores valuables and smartphones up to six inches.</li> <li>Full-length zipper with puller</li> </ul>