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The Protein Works™ Diet Whey Complex Extreme

The Protein Works™Diet Whey Complex Extreme

15,19 €
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Diese Features werden dich begeistern

Diet Whey Complex Extreme from The Protein Works™ is designed to break new frontiers in diet whey protein formulation. Borne out of a wealth of research, it incorporates cutting-edge ingredients that push the boundaries of nutrition and deliver a diet shake of unparalleled potency. Diet Whey Complex Extreme contains a Tri-Protein Blend of Diet Whey Isolate 97, Whey Protein Isolate 90 and Whey Protein 80. This ground-breaking formula also includes premium grade amino acids, vitamins and minerals and has been purposely designed to contain very little carbohydrates and fat, yet equally be very high in lean protein with each serving containing less than 2 grams of carbohydrates and 22g of protein. This diet shake has also been shown to contribute to fat loss as it increase feelings of being full which in turn prevents overeating. Click on the Product for full information for your absolute peace of mind.