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Handup Gloves Old School Gloves - Stripe - Small

Handup GlovesOld School Gloves - Stripe - Small

26,96 €
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Diese Features werden dich begeistern

<span>Do you have these yet? It'd be a lot cooler if you did. These things would look as good on the handlebars as they would around the steering wheel of a '72 Chevelle. Hell these bitchin' digit covers are built for hangin' onto handlebars but, wouldn't miss a beat around a Beatles Vinyl. We'd encourage you to snag a pair and full send into the psychedelic seventies!</span> <span><strong>FEATURES</strong>:</span> <ul> <li>Our all new <span>FULLTOUCH technology is seamless touchscreen capabilities woven throughout entire palm, so no more trying to touch your phone "just right" to get that trailside picture</span> </li> <li>4-way stretch, lightweight mesh on the back of the hand</li> <li>Stretch cuff to easily pull gloves on and off without fumbling for a Velcro strap </li> <li>Durable, single layer Clarino leather palm for maximum bike feel and no extra material bunching up</li> <li>Laser cut ventilation holes on palm for breathability</li> <li>Silicone printed graphics on the palms for extra grip so you'll never drop that frosty beverage or muddy handlebars</li> <li>HUGE towel sweat cloth on the thumb for wiping away your dirt-stache or foamy upper lip</li> </ul>